Monday, September 8, 2008

The Beginning

Hello My name is Barbara and I have been gardening for 5 years now. Although I have done a little gardening when I was younger I never had a place to do what I wanted.
When I started 5 years ago I didn't know much about gardening on a large scale. It's been quite a challenge learning what will grow and how to grow plants I wanted. I seem to always fall for plants I can't have.. I have zone envy sometimes.
I have to give my Texas garden buddies credit for helping me along the way on the Garden Web.
Not just for telling me how to care for plant's but also giving me plants over the years. The best part has been finding new friends. I had no idea that gardeners were so friendly, loving and very giving people. I was bitten by the Daylily bug hard last summer and ended up with somewhere around 80. Though mine is small very small compared to some. I've been learning this summer that not all daylilies are the same. Some had died, while others have shrunk in size. My guess is that they don't like Texas full sun. I potted up the ones that shrink in size and placed them in the shade. They are doing great and I'm hoping they'll be happier with morning sun and afternoon shade.


Donald's Garden said...

Congrats on your new blog! It looks excellent so far! :)

Barbara's Garden said...

Thank you